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The Merry Wives of Windsor (7 Players)
Act(s) I-II.2
1 Shallow: Bardolph: Mrs.Ford
2 Slender: Robin: Quickly
3 Evans: Caius: Ford
4 Page: Simple
5 Falstaff: Fenton
6 Nym: Host: Mrs.Page
7 Pistol: Rugby: Anne
Act(s) II.3-III
1 Falstaff: Rugby
2 Mrs.Page: Host
3 Page: Robin
4 Shallow: Fenton
5 Ford: Quickly
6 Evans: Bardolph: Slender
7 Caius: Mrs.Ford: Simple: Anne
Act(s) IV-V
1 Falstaff: 1 Servant
2 Mrs.Page: Simple
3 Page: William: Bardolph: Pistol: 2 Servant
4 Ford: Slender
5 Evans: Fenton
6 Quickly: Anne: Shallow: Host
7 Mrs.Ford: Caius